

If handling the management of your investment property in Salt Lake County is becoming too much for you—or if you simply imagine that there’s a more efficient and profitable way to go about it—reach out to Urban Valley Rentals!
We’re here to assist you with every single aspect of property management. We know how to effectively market vacancies through all of the best channels. We know how to vet a prospective tenant with a focused and comprehensive background check. We collect rent, conduct thorough move-in and move-out inspections, and implement evictions whenever necessary. And we’re diligent about maintenance, too, working with top-quality vendors in the area.

You’ll be able to log in anytime to your owner’s account here on the Urban Valley Rentals website. The “Owner Statements” tab will give you the ability to request a copy of your monthly statement, emailed promptly and securely to your inbox.
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We always appreciate feedback from our owners. Please get in touch with us if you’d like to discuss your account—or if you’re curious about starting one with us!
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